18-25 June Saul Kripke (CUNY): Saul Kripke Lectures (see right). 10-14 October Brian Leiter (Princeton): 2 talks on Nietzsche and Marx. 27 September - 3 October J. Adam Carter (Edinburgh): 3 talks on material from his new book. |
Special Events
18 - 25 June: Saul Kripke Lectures [poster] In conjunction with the Tracing Wittgenstein research group. |
Main Lecture Series
1 April
Efraim Podoksik (Hebrew University of Jerusalem): The Dialectic of the Absolute and the Relative: The Problem of Unity in Simmel's Reception of Geothe.
8 July
Dirk Kindermann (Graz): What makes a relativist theory relativist (in 2015)?
1 October
Ladislav Koren (Hradec Králové): Does Epistemic Relativism Rest on the Myth of the Framework?
Huw Price (Cambridge): "Here" is the Tip of the Iceberg – Indexicals, Generalised Location and Metaphysics
9 October
Paul Roth (Santa Cruz): Reviving Philosophy of History
23 October
Maria Kronfeldner (Bielefeld): Defending the nature-culture divide: ontological and epistemic aspects
29 October
Gerald Hartung (Wuppertal): Ein Philosoph korrigiert sich selbst. Wilhelm Windelbands Abkehr vom Relativismus.
4 November
Jason Stanley (Yale): Relativisms
10 November
Prof. Crispin Wright (NYU & Sterling): Alethic Pluralism and Faultless Disagreement
12 November
Maja Soboleva (Marburg): Relativismusdenken und seine Mechanismen. Eine ethisch-philosophische Fallstudie
4 December
Keith Stenning (Edinburgh): The role of logics in explicating culture: updating anthropology to the changes that have happened in logic